
Pandit Dasa - Virtual Speech

During our current time of change and uncertainty, our stress and anxiety levels can go through the roof. It is absolutely crucial for us to be able to maintain our physical, mental and emotional health so we can take care of ourselves, our family and remain productive in our professional life. This talk combined with writing exercises will address the following items: Importance of Positive Relationships The myth of multitasking Healthy Eating Unplugged Sleep Regular Exercise Maintaining a Personal Hobby Participants will also learn the science behind mindfulness and will be virtually guided through a variety of mindfulness practices for reducing stress, improving productivity and emotional intelligence. Some of practices are as follows: Breathing - for stress reduction Focusing - for improving one's ability to concentrate and focus Gratitude - to shift to a more positive mindset Appreciation - develop appreciation for the contributions of our colleagues Personal Development - reflection on ways we can improve our character
