
Angela ONeill

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Book Angela ONeill

The very first words in scripture depicts the most epic, intentional, and beautiful creative moment, when Elohim, God the Creator, creates the universe and all that is in it.  Each moment of the creation story is purposeful, as light impacts darkness, the texture of color brightens the scene with  animals and fish, rivers and mountains are formed.  It is extraordinary! There is such awe and wonder when we stop and think about the fact that we are His prized creation, created in His image, where the breath of God gave life. 

So what happens when we  create to reflect God the creator?  Art is powerful! Art can create a narrative, cause us to feel, create an open space for conversation, open our eyes, and when done for the Glory of God, it can leave a beautiful lasting impact.  Oh yes, this is where life is breathed into rooms, spaces and places. In these moments, art can show us that we were made with purpose, on purpose for His purpose. 

My sincere hope is to be able to do just this.  To tell the story of Jesus in a creative way to Bring glory to His name.  Whether singing, speaking, or creating an artistic moment, may it all be done to shine the Jesus' light and to tell stories for His Glory! 


Angela ONeill's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
I'm prepared to move to contract immediately if my offer is accepted.

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  • What is your favorite quote? "I want to be the moon. I want to reflect that light that shines from you"
  • Are there any moments that stand out as having a significant impact on your career? The first time I told my story through spoken word changed a lot for me. It was a moment of stepping out in faith. It was a moment I felt called to and it was the first moment I spoke in th
  • Outside of your profession do you have any hobbies/interests? Pickleball, Long walks with my dog, journaling, cooking, and drinking coffee.
  • Who do you look up to as a mentor and why? Doug Fields - He presents Biblical truths in a way that captures an audience. Christine Caine - She is passionate and full of zeal.
  • Is there anything else we should know about you? I grew up hearing the stories of the Bible. Those stories impacted my life. Now it is my calling to tell stories for God's glory. This could be through my own story, a spoken word, a play,