
Chris Carlisle

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Chris Carlisle’s 35 years of experience in the class room and in the coaching profession has inspired people of all walks of life to maximize their full potential and has made him one of the nation's most sought after motivational speakers on the circuit. Chris incorporates experiences from his professional and personal life into each one of his presentations. His high energy “sermons” will bring the audience to their feet, while at other times, the message hits so close to the bone that the silence can be deafening. Carlisle covers PROFESSIONAL and personal development, successful habits of champions in sports and business, and the work habits and leadership principles that allowed them to climb to the top rung of their profession.


The underlying tone of all of Chris Carlisle’s teachings is that life is too valuable to not maximize one’s potential. Why live to the beat of someone else’s drum when you have all of the abilities to become the best at whatever endeavor your passion lies? His programs are designed to accelerate professional and personal growth and produce the favorable results people look for in life both at work and at in your personal life. He simplifies the thinking process so that skills that are necessary are readily available to everyone.


In all of his custom-made presentations Chris stresses the importance of developing boundaries between the our professional and our personal lives. Too many times one or both are destroyed because of this imbalance. Chris graduated from Chadron State College, with his Bachelor of Science in Education. He went on to earn a Masters Degree in History from University of Arkansas. His professional career started as an educator and coach at the high school level. After 11 years in public education he transitioned to a coaching/teaching position at the junior college level. After that he left the classroom to continue his path at the collegiate and NFL level. As a coach he has helped teams win championships at every level (High School – Junior College – Division I College – NFL). Chris began his public speaking career as a presenter at coaching clinics. For the next 20 years he would expand his speaking to corporations, banking institutions, real estate corporations and commencement speeches.


As his reputation as a motivational speaker grew, he left the coaching profession to focus solely on helping individuals, companies and teams become efficient successful endeavors. Chris’s personal life is one of successfully overcoming the obstacles that life has put in his way. Being born with a physical handicap that he overcame to earn an athletic scholarship in college. An acute speech impediment and a battle with cancer (Hodgkin’s Lymphoma) are only a few of the hurdles that he has overcome. The library of information that he acquired through the relationships he built from working with the top motivators in the world today has sharpened his presentations to fit any group or environment.

Chris Carlisle's Experiences

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