
Darryll Stinson

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Darryll Stinson believes that vulnerable conversations and stories are two of the most effective tools to grow oneself and seed greatness into the world. With a background in communication, marketing, and creative writing, Darryll, a former division 1 athlete, survived multiple suicide attempts to become a best-selling author, 3xTEDx speaker, philanthropist and public speaking coach.  He is the Founder of Second Chance Athletes 501(c)(3). Known for his dynamic, heart-touching, thought-provoking presentations, Darryll is most deeply grateful to lead and enjoy his family.



You’re Enough! A Self-C.A.R.E. Strategy to Transform Stress Into Success

According to The World Health Organization anxiety and depression cost the global workforce $1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion U.S. dollars) per year in lost productivity! In addition, more than 50% of U.S. workers are not engaged at work as a result of stress. This presentation examines the causes of these mental health challenges and outlines a strategy that all attendees can use to decrease stress, reverse burnout, and increase productivity.

Throughout this experience, participants will:

Learn how to develop a system of self-care that supports their desired level of success using Darryll’s proven C.A.R.E. framework.

Identify and reduce/eliminate causes of their stress, depression, anxiety, etc.

Rewire limiting beliefs to optimize their performance and productivity

Reframe mental health stigmas to take pride in their wellness (vs. feel shame)

Learn how to be consistent and patient with themselves in their growth process


Vulnerability is the New Currency: How Vulnerable Storytelling Can Increase Connection, Sales & Impact

Effective communication is a valuable skill that should be continuously developed in various areas such as employee training, sales closing, email writing, social media posting, conducting successful meetings, and building closer relationships. But there's one aspect of communication that is often neglected, and that is the power of vulnerable storytelling. By sharing personal experiences, individuals can build stronger connections with their colleagues and clients, resulting in more successful outcomes. This talk will delve into the dynamics of vulnerability and storytelling and how attendees can use them to improve their communication skills.

Throughout this experience, participants will:

Learn the evolution of communication from informative to vulnerability

Gain the skill of telling vulnerable stories in all facets of communication

Learn how to use storytelling to increase sales and expand impact

Connect deeper with themselves and others


Developing the Courage to Lead From Your Highest Self

True leadership emerges not from a position or title, but from a place deep within ourselves — a place that I call our "highest self." This speech offers a roadmap for aspiring and seasoned leaders alike, empowering them to rise above conformity, inspire others, and create a world where leadership emanates from the depths of one's unique identity.

Throughout this experience, participants will:

Connect more deeply with themselves through self-discovery, active listening, and spending time in nature

Learn how to be a more effective and courageous leader through personal growth strategies

Understand the value of the expression and the role it plays in effective leadership

Darryll Stinson's Experiences

Virtual In-Person
Virtual In-Person

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  • What is your favorite quote? Sometimes you have to believe in somebody else's belief in you before you can believe in yourself.
  • Are there any moments that stand out as having a significant impact on your career? +Having 3 daughters, 1 son, and a dog! +Multiple best-selling author + Placing top 50 in 2022 Great American Speak off hosted by Pete Vargas and Grant Cardone +3xTEDx speaker +Won 2018 Gw
  • Outside of your profession do you have any hobbies/interests? Reading, Movies, Entertainment, Sporting Events
  • Who do you look up to as a mentor and why? Bishop Td Jakes, Craig Groeschel, Travis Hall, John Maxwell, Darrel Stinson, Eric Thomas, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Michelle Obama, Oprah and Keon Henderson because they are all pe