
Jason Bevan

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Book Jason Bevan

Jason Bevan was responsible for the innovation and creativity process at Warner Bros. Studios, marketing legendary movies in EMEA, from the Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts Films and The Dark Knight trilogy to the Lego Movies; he created ideas that were often used globally. He reveals behind-the-scenes secrets of how iconic film ideas are created and how we can all transform our innovation and creativity by employing the same techniques.


Jason’s keynote talks and ideation masterclasses are packed with inspiration from 16 years of working in the movie world and show why creativity has become one of the most valuable skills in the post-pandemic era. Jason demystifies how we generate ideas with simple logic and gives clear, easy-to-follow steps and tasks that show how we can tap into the creativity we already have but often don’t use… including people who don’t think they are innovative! It’s a chance to rocket-fuel your thinking and embed a culture of creativity into your organization with a fun, uplifting, and highly energetic movie-led experience. Jason can also run ideation sessions to focus on a specific business brief, helping you push your creativity exponentially and removing barriers to traditional thinking with powerful, straightforward tools.


Jason worked with teams in 37 countries at WB and was known for his passion for pushing creative boundaries on campaigns across all movie genres. Jason also worked for Disney in London and Paris and continues to work with top film and entertainment companies as co-founder of Content Creator Studios.


In addition to speaking on the TED circuit and as an expert speaker for the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Jason Bevan has been on the judging panel for various highly regarded awards in the creative industry. He conducts talks and masterclasses for global brands and renowned trade and industry events worldwide. Jason is bilingual in English and French.

Speaking Topics

How Your Organization Can Turn Insider Secrets From Big Movies and Their Makers Into Rocketfuel For Creativity and Innovation

This interactive keynote session with creativity and innovation expert Jason Bevan is packed with inspiring stories and film clips. Jason translates his talks into five highly potent tools that anyone can use to improve their innovation and creativity from the moment they return to work... even people who don’t consider themselves to be “ideas people.”


How two filmmakers used their lack of car design experience to ignore the rules and create a movie icon with the Dark Knight Batmobile that changed car culture worldwide. How the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts set created an atmosphere so positive and inspiring for the child cast that it drove the entire crew to deliver unparalleled movie magic. How Barbie was built on truly exceptional and largely unknown bravery. Jason explains in straightforward terms how our heads develop ideas and how to master yours by using the film industry’s proven techniques and new Gen AI resources to trigger exponential thinking and leave your established “train tracks of thought;” for future growth and results.

Perfect Your Pitch With The Secret of Holywood Storytelling

Ever wondered where all those amazing big movie stories come from that spark strong feelings? Storytelling is woven into all of us as one of our most powerful resources to incite intense feelings and drive the actions and decisions of those around us in business and wider life. Jason pulls back the curtain on how some of the world’s most legendary storytellers he has worked with create their magic and how we can all use their simple, potent, and motivating tricks to transform our own pitches and narratives with emotional superpowers.

Jason Bevan's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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"I've worked with Jason for nearly 20 years and his creativity and energy have been inspirational to me and countless other brands. The skills Jason addresses are critical for anyone pursuing business success."

"Jason is a master of innovation. In his talk, he shares his passion for creativity and how to think differently to be truly innovative. He reveals tips of the trade from over 20 years working with some of the best-known and most creative movie-makers."

"As innovation and creativity become even more critical for successful businesses, the experience tools and insights Jason shares from his creative career are engaging and important. All delivered with enthusiasm and passion."

"Jason's talk is truly uplifting and engaging. With his genius use of visuals and clear delivery, I was able to learn the exact method the most creative minds use to generate the next BIG idea."

"What really works about Jason's style and approach to creative thinking is that it has relevance and inspiration for everyone - regardless of your role or skillset. He makes challenging your behaviors and thinking differently feel very achievable, with practical how-to tips as well as bringing the gold dust of behind-the-scenes Hollywood! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him."