
Jay Cambridge

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Book Jay Cambridge

Jay Cambridge is the founder of The Intentional Movement. Jay is a prior military police now turned yoga guru. Jay is a master of helping people navigate through transition and inspiring them to live their most authentic lives! He is also a popular speaker for LGBTQ+-themed events, where he delivers keynotes, workshops, and interactive Q&A experiences to educate others about the history and current state of the LGBTQ community and the inclusion of the community in different spaces, geographies, and workplaces across America. Jay is a member of the LGBTQ community and lived their first 25 years of life as a female. Jay is now perceived as male but identifies as non- Binary. Jay can speak from many different perspectives and is very motivating. When Jay speaks, you can't help but listen. His sweet spirit and smile light up every audience he speaks to!

Jay Cambridge's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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  • What is your favorite quote? Be You Be True That's Beautiful - Jay Cambridge
  • Are there any moments that stand out as having a significant impact on your career? My father dying suddenly and my de-transition.
  • Outside of your profession do you have any hobbies/interests? Yoga, Meditation, Travel, Connecting with others.
  • Who do you look up to as a mentor and why? Oprah Winfrey, with all odds against her, she turned her pain into her purpose.
  • Is there anything else we should know about you? Jay has the heart to serve, guide, and LOVE.