
Jon Kedrowski

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It's a choice and a mindset.  No matter where we live or what we do, we all face storms in life. They can be literal storms, like a hurricane, or they can be figurative, like a company struggling financially or a family member experiencing significant health issues.  


How do we stay positive and productive while we get through these storms, which no matter how bad they can be, will eventually end? How can we embrace the uncertainty that comes along with storms and learn to dominate in adverse times?


After experiencing so many literal and figurative storms in his own life, keynote speaker Jon Kedrowski has developed a mindset and strategy to weather these storms and stay prepared for upcoming opportunities and wants to share them with your organization.  


As a veteran of numerous foreign mountain expeditions to dangerous places, Jon will not only motivate your team, he will also entertain with his stories of adventure and risk-taking. 


Speaking Topics - 


How to Be "Everest Ready":


When going through adversity, do you or your business wait for things to get better, or do you take control of your situation and set yourself up for success when the situation improves? 


Try an "Everest Ready" mindset and you'll learn to see adversity as an opportunity, not a barrier.


In this inspirational presentation, keynote speaker Dr. Jon Kedrowski distills his mountain-tested techniques for being creative and staying prepared to pursue BIG goals you have in life and business.  He shares practical methods of how to:


  • Increase your own and your team's productivity by staying focused on what's in your control.
  • Break seemingly insurmountable goals into smaller, SMART goals.
  • Look for new opportunities in the face of difficulties.


Climb Your Next Everest:


Get to the Top in Life and Business!


Keynote speaker Dr. Jon Kedrowski will take your audience on an entertaining and awe-inspiring journey through the adversity he has faced on Mt. Everest, continually facing failure from outside forces and the qualities we all need to climb the Everest's in our lives. This includes:


  • Focusing on what you can control and not wasting energy on what you can't.
  • Leadership and teamwork.
  • Managing risks in high pressure environments.


Weathering Storms & Staying Prepared:


What does it take to endure the storms in our lives and business environment?


After decades of climbing and skiing off of high peaks around the world, as well being an entrepreneur, keynote speaker Dr. Jon Kedrowski knows what it takes to endure life's storms.  In this motivating talk, he shares his stories and insights on how to:


  • Adjust your plans, attitudes, and actions.
  • Overcome fear.
  • Realize that failure is part of success if you stay strong and don't give up
  • Thrive in spite of unexpected setbacks.


Jon Kedrowski's Experiences

Virtual In-Person
Virtual In-Person

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"Dr. Jon's authenticity is real, and his message will motivate...he was strong in front of the group, but the real treat was his commitment to some one on one interaction...our people really appreciated that time."

Joe Carlson

"Jon was an incredible speaker and brought our group a brand new perspective on what it means to go through challenges and rise above them when it counts! I took a picture with him afterwards and noted that this was the closest I'll ever get to the top of Mount Everest. He was an inspiration and I would strongly recommend him to any organization looking to make an impact on their staff or clients."

C.Noonon, Senior Account Executive, Minnesota Timberwolves / Lynx

"Our community can't get enough of Jon's stories and lectures about his adventures on Everest. His multi-media presentation is as entertaining as it is educational and we welcome him to our stage any time."

K. Sabel, Executive Director, Vail Symposium

"Dr. Jon Kedrowski has accomplished some really tough feats, and has a way of using those experiences to help us all see that we should also set our sights on the mountain top while prioritizing the way there. The journey is the important part, and Dr. Jon brings that message home. My family is already planning our first 14er together!"

C. Puckett, Financial Advisor, Edward Jones

"Dr. Jon gives a unique, exciting and compelling talk, one that engages his audience to experience what few have seen, climbing Mt. Everest. Crossing crevasses, feeling the force of the wind, the rush of the climb. Jon uniquely shares the determination, planning, teamwork and focus in an inspirational message to the audience. You will never will forget his experience and passion and you'll use the experience to enrich your own life."

S. Booren, Owner and Founder, Prosperion Financial Advisors, Greenwood Village, CO

"Dr. Jon gives a unique, exciting and compelling talk, one that engages his audience to experience what few have seen, climbing Mt. Everest. Crossing crevasses, feeling the force of the wind, the rush of the climb. Jon uniquely shares the determination, planning, teamwork and focus in an inspirational message to the audience. You will never will forget his experience and passion and you'll use the experience to enrich your own life."

S. Booren, Owner and Founder, Prosperion Financial Advisors, Greenwood Village, CO

"I highly recommend Jon as a Keynote Speaker if you are looking for someone that has the unique ability to combine impressive subject matter and lessons from his summits all over the world that relates to numerous challenges in the business environment."

R. Cargo, COO, Raymond James Financial