
Mark Murphy

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Mark Murphy is a New York Times Bestselling Author, Forbes Senior Contributor, and award-winning leadership expert. Mark gives audiences the leadership science and skills to engage employees, end burnout, and inspire more high performers. Mark’s groundbreaking leadership science has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fortune, Forbes, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, and U.S. News & World Report. Mark has also appeared on CNN, NPR, CBS News Sunday Morning, ABC’s 20/20, and Fox Business News. Mark has lectured at the United Nations, Harvard Business School, the Clinton Foundation, Microsoft, Merck, MasterCard, Charles Schwab, Aflac and hundreds more. Mark has consistently been ranked as one of the Top 30 leadership gurus in the world, and his bestselling books include Hundred Percenters, Hiring For Attitude, HARD Goals, Truth At Work, and Managing Narcissists, Blamers, Dramatics And More.


Speaking Topics - 


Hundred Percenters: Leadership That Inspires Greatness & Extraordinary Achievement


How many employees feel inspired to give their best effort at work? Research shows that only a third of people are truly inspired to give their best effort. But, with the science-driven leadership that Mark teaches audiences, most employees can be inspired to passionately give 100% effort every day! In this session, audiences learn why people who set difficult goals are up to 75% more fulfilled, the 3-Part Coaching Conversation that teaches every employee how to move from good to great, how to flip the ‘Self-Awareness Switch’ so every employee instantly knows whether their performance could be even better, 2 sentences that helps every employee see their untapped potential, 3 signs that your leadership style is too tough, and much more!


The Secrets Of Leading Remote Employees


A whopping 72% of leaders admit that they haven’t received the necessary skills to successfully manage remote and hybrid employees. And that’s because remote employees challenge leaders’ abilities to trust and empower, and remoteness requires a drastically different approach to managing worker productivity and accountability. But when remote/hybrid work is done right, a majority of employees say their productivity, creativity, mental health, and even work relationships are better! In this session, Mark teaches audiences the practical science of leading remote and hybrid employees, including which personality types thrive working remotely, 3 mindset shifts that leaders must make for remote teams, how to transmit your culture and values when people are remote, 2 keys to keeping remote employees accountable and productive, and a powerful conversation that keeps remote employees connected and engaged.


Solving Employee Burnout With Resilience And Optimism


Only 25% of employees are currently thriving emotionally, and 71% of leaders expect that high performers are going to quit because of burnout. But optimistic employees are 103% more inspired to give their best effort at work! So in this session, Mark goes way beyond catchy phrases about ‘staying positive’ and instead teaches audiences the science-driven techniques for building Resilience and Optimism to solve employee burnout, skyrocket employee engagement, retain star employees, and attract high performers. Audiences learn the 3-part daily exercise that immediately reduces burnout and boosts resilience, the 4-part script for Retention Interviews, the 4-part Optimism Exercise to help every employee discover hidden reasons to feel optimistic, 3 powerful tools for predicting the burnout and quitting risk of employees, 7 words that employees say when they’re at a burnout breaking point, and more.

Mark Murphy's Experiences

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"Mark is the best and most engaging leadership speaker I’ve seen. In addition to customizing all of the content to fit our unique culture, he infuses his training with a unique blend of science, instantly practical skills, and a charismatic speaking style that keeps every leader more engaged than in typical sessions. I regularly hear leaders tell me about the improvements they’ve made using the techniques Mark taught them."

Jessica Hutchinson Associate Director, HR, Europe Zogenix International Limited

"I’ve witnessed even the most senior executives and cynical leaders hang on his every word because he is just that smart! I’ve heard too many speeches filled with fluff and no content, but Mark is the opposite of that. I’ve learned something new and transformative every time I’ve heard him speak."

Dennis Hoffman Founder & CEO Engage USA