
Miguel Luengo-Oroz

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Book Miguel Luengo-Oroz

Scientist, entrepreneur, policy advisor, and engineering professor passionate about imagining and building responsible technology for social impact. Miguel Luengo-Oroz has also been the first data scientist to work at the United Nations.


As a pioneer and a thought leader in the use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for global health, humanitarian action, and sustainable development, Miguel Luengo-Oroz delves into the positive impact technology has on society and explores its future risks and opportunities. Dr. Miguel advises leaders on cutting-edge technologies, addressing the concept of Responsible Artificial Intelligence and its implications for governance and human rights.


Dr. Miguel Luengo-Oroz is the former Chief Data Scientist of UN Global Pulse at the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General, where he was responsible for technology strategy, and grew & led the data science teams across the network of Pulse labs. 


He advises leadership on frontier technologies and implications for governance and human rights. For over a decade, Miguel has built teams bringing data and AI to operations and policy through innovation programs with international organizations, governments, the private sector & academia. He has worked in many domains including poverty, food security, refugees & migrants, conflict prevention, human rights, privacy, gender, hate speech, epidemics, infodemics, and climate.


Miguel is the Founder and CEO of the social enterprise Spotlab, a digital health platform leveraging the best AI and mobile technologies for clinical research and universal diagnosis. Dr. Luengo-Oroz is a professor at the doctoral school and a board member at the Telecommunications School of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. As a research scientist, he has worked on topics such as generative AI & creativity, Collective Intelligence, Systems Biology & Neurogeometry. He is the inventor of -a crowdsourcing videogame for malaria diagnosis. Miguel is a trustee of the Ashoka Foundation in Spain.


He has co-authored over a hundred multidisciplinary scientific articles, policy briefs, and op-eds. His work has been featured in international media including El Pais, The Guardian, CNN, and Al Jazeera, and high-impact scientific journals such as Science, Nature, or The Lancet. He is a keynote speaker for scientific, policy, industry, and general audiences. He regularly serves on strategic advisory boards around responsible AI, has advised the governments of Spain and the USA, and is an expert on the Global Partnership on AI.


Dr. Miguel Luengo-Oroz has been awarded the Ashoka fellowship, MIT Technology Review TR35 and social innovator of the Year, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (UK), Forbes, EU Responsible Research & Innovation award, Red Cross Innovation award, La Caixa fellowship and he is graduate (GSP10) at Singularity University.


He holds a Ph.D. (special prize) & MSc. Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, as well as an MSc from the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales & École Normale Supérieure of Paris.

Speaking Topics

The AI revolution. Applications, risks, opportunities, and future

Artificial intelligence is changing the world. The most valuable companies define themselves as AI companies. Internet platforms are driven by AI managing the attention economy. Human creativity and even education have been blown away by generative AI. Chatbots that text with human consistency shake up the job market international geopolitical tensions are rising because of the data and infrastructure needed for AI. Whatever the system was- from democracy to authoritarian regimes - AI plays a key role in its subsistence. 

This talk will explain the basics of AI. It will also show how pioneers from around the world are unlocking the potential of AI and what are the challenges, risks, and controversies so that in the future AI can serve people and the planet to achieve sustainable prosperity.

AI and a better world

Humanity is at the crossroads of deciding whether we want to use the AI revolution for good. AI can unlock some of the mysteries of life on Earth, help us find new drugs, respond to natural disasters, map poverty, or search and prepare for life on another planet. It is also time to fight for humanity's rights concerning the data we generate: from guaranteeing privacy to preventing genocides triggered by deepfakes. AI can produce massive disinformation but also has tools to catch this disinformation and democratize access to information and freedom of expression. The AI strategies of governments around the world reflect the principles of societies and their ethical values. 

This conference will discuss how humanity agrees on principles and practices for responsible AI based on Human Rights. It will also show how pioneers from around the world are unlocking the potential of AI for social impact, serving people and the planet, and achieving sustainable prosperity. 

AI for Health

In a post-pandemic world, more digital than ever, artificial intelligence applied to healthcare is at a tipping point. AI already passes medical exams like a human and can help unravel some of the mysteries of life on Earth, diagnose diseases, optimize vaccine delivery, detect dyslexia, design new drugs, and many other applications yet to be explored.  


This talk will share examples of the advances being made in the field of medicine and AI - as well as their risks to safe and reliable systems, and the challenges of integrating them into healthcare systems. Also the opportunities for a future where healthcare professionals and patients themselves use tools that integrate AI for unprecedented clinical impact.

Miguel Luengo-Oroz's Experiences


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