
Rashmi Airan

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Book Rashmi Airan

Who is Rashmi Airan?


Rashmi Airan is a celebrated motivational speaker, culture consultant, and former attorney who champions Dharma Leadership, guiding individuals through a unique blueprint of conscious and courageous leadership. Her journey, from a successful lawyer to a federal white-collar crime conviction, shapes her impactful presentations.


What are her conferences like?


Rashmi's conferences delve into Dharma Leadership, unlocking six global truths that revolutionize decision-making, accountability, and adaptability. Her talks weave personal experience with actionable insights, fostering well-being and ethical decision-making within organizations.


What is her trajectory?


After graduating with honors from Columbia Law School, Rashmi embarked on a corporate legal career. Her ethical blind spot led to a federal conviction, transforming her into an advocate for Dharma Leadership. She's spoken at renowned institutions and organizations worldwide.

Speaking Topics

Dharma Leadership: 6 Global Truths To Lead

Explore Rashmi Airan's transformative journey and discover the six global truths guiding Dharma Leadership. Gain actionable tools for ethical decision-making and cultivating a culture of accountability and adaptability.

Accountability In Times Of Turmoil

Dive into the significance of accountability in challenging situations. Rashmi shares insights on how accountability shapes individual and organizational resilience amidst turmoil.

AdaptAgility - Be An Overcomer!

Discover the power of adaptability in leadership. Rashmi elucidates the essence of adaptability, enabling leaders to navigate complexity and change effectively.

Rashmi Airan's Experiences


Virtual In-Person

Experience Details

Virtual In-Person
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