How the Engage Community is Supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement- and How You Can Help

  • By Declan McManus
  •  Jun 11, 2020

The past few weeks have been a time for self-reflection, tough conversations, and collective mobilization against systems of oppression and institutionalized racism. In the wake of the tragic murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, people across America and the world are coming to terms with the reality of police brutality and systematic racism in the United States. 

While there have been inspiring demonstrations of powerful protests and unity, we have also seen cruel acts of violence and excessive force by police forces as well as government officials. As people outside of the black community look for ways to be effective allies, many are looking for resources and opportunities to educate themselves on the history of racial injustice and systematic racism in the U.S.

At Engage, we strive to uphold the highest levels of diversity and compassion in our talent portfolio as well as the clients and organizations we work with. We know that silence during a time of injustice chooses the side of the oppressor, so we are committed to being actively anti-racist and making real contributions to the fight against racial injustice. 

To see how the Engage community is supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, below are some examples of how our community is activating for the cause:



Over the past few weeks, millions of people across the country and the world have shown up to protest police brutality, sparked by the recent deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Talyor, and countless others.  From athletes to celebrities to regular citizens, Americans have stood in solidarity against police brutality and institutionalized racism. From Los Angeles to Minneapolis to NYC, protests around the country have drawn tens of thousands of demonstrators.


Spreading Awareness

As many talent have large platforms across social media and other digital channels, many Engage talent have chosen to use their platforms to spread awareness about police brutality and racial injustice. As athletes and celebrities have large fan bases and digital followings, many have used their platforms for good to help educate people about racism in America.

From Patrick Schwarzenegger to Dwyane Wade to Aaron Rogers, talent with huge followings are using their platforms to share resources, educate people, and provide ways to contribute to the cause.



Donations are another key way to support organizations that are fighting against police brutality and racial injustice in America. From the NAACP to Black Lives Matter to the Bail Project, there are countless organizations that are working tirelessly to protect the lives and livelihoods of black people in America. 

The movement will not be successful without the help of effective allies and supporters, so this New York Mag article has a great list of organizations you can donate to. 


Sharing Resources

With all of the activity on the news and social media, it can be difficult to unpack the information overload to find meaningful resources to support the Black Lives Matter movement. Below are some books, films, podcasts, and organizations to follow for information and updates about the history of institutionalized racism and the progress of the movement:







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